Fun Family & Good Friends – that's what life should be about

Posts tagged “happiness

The Rainbow Week

A random photo and story post…

I had an intense week before Easter.  I knew it was coming and I wasn’t looking forward to it.  But I got through it and I knew that at the other end would be a reward.  A family holiday to the beach.

It was the most relaxed and at peace I have felt in longer than I want to think about.

I sat on the balcony in the sun and read books.

I went for a drive just to see what was there and stopped when the world looked interesting.

I floated in the ocean and listened to the sound of the waves.

I had fresh seafood overlooking the beach.

I walked and walked (see, bitch does walk).

I went to the movies.  I lay on the bed and watched a movie on my computer.

I shopped in places different to home.

I sat with family and watched them do the same things they’ve been doing all my life.

I watched my daughter do the same things I did as a kid with my family.

I had Mexican and a margarita (yes, only one).

I ate Rocky Road ice cream while sitting on the jetty at night.

And of course I chocolated (it was Easter…).

Before leaving on my holiday, I spent a day with friends.  Just hanging out, catching up, eating, drinking, laughing, talking.  I am so lucky to have such wonderful, honest, open, real people in my life.

I was talking to a friend today over coffee about how I need to put some of this stuff, these holiday things, into my everyday life.  It doesn’t have to be much, I don’t think.  A special treat for no reason.  A day trip somewhere different.  Going out of my way to do something out of the ordinary.

A moment of appreciation amongst the mundane day to day of life for the things that matter.

This Easter, I have lived this blog’s motto.

Fun.  Family.  Good friends.

Two Videos

Last year, when my life started to fail, in amongst the drama and the unhappiness, two videos connected with me, with where I was at, and made me re-evaluate my life.

The first one is Brene Brown’s TED talk on vulnerability.  She talks about connecting with people, being human, letting people in.  It struck a chord in this perfectionist control freak.  This video is one of the reasons I am doing this blog.

The other video that had a profound effect on me was Scott Stratten, author of Unmarketing. He talks about stopping keeping on going. He talks about how he made all these sacrifices in the name of his family before realising that he was sacrificing that time with his family. Last year, I kept on going. I pushed through the emotional and physical pain and I paid for it. I should have stopped. I should have focused on the things that matter. I dare you to watch this and not cry.